Thursday, July 5, 2007

Day 2......Juneau & Tracy Arm

Our first day in town......first we navigated Tracy Arm -- a Fjord cut from Glacier movements. There we found mini icebergs, majestic streams and vertical cliffs.

After Tracy Arm, we turned around and headed for Juneau -- capital of Alaska. There we had our first and only rain of the entire cruise. We took the kids (including my Father) to a summer camp for Huskies who compete in the annual Iditarod dogsled race.
I learned that the Alaskan Husky is not so much a breed of dog as it is a type or a category. It falls short of being a breed in that there is no preferred type and no restriction as to ancestry; it is defined only by its purpose, which is that of a highly efficient sled dog. They were beautiful dogs and their Musher (person driving the dog team) took us for a ride in a training rig thru the woods. It was bitchin.

Southeast Alaska lies at the heart of the North American temperate rainforest -- a forest that extends in a narrow 2500 mile coastal strip from Northern Ca, along coastal British Columbia, and to the eastern edge of the Kodiak archipelago in South Central Alaska. Temperate rainforests are cooler, though just as wet as their tropical counterparts, receiving up to 200 inches of rain per year.

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